Our Hitchiti Experimental Forest trip day can also be known as Hug A Tree Day!!!
During this lab we had a long walk through the Hitchiti trail where we made stops at many beautiful sites including the sites portrayed in the pictures below.
During this lab, in the picture above, some of our classmates decided to take the alternate route to reach the destination in the picture below. I am not saying any names but they did have a hilarious fall and ended up really wet.

During our hike we talked about Wild Ginger and Sassafras. Wild Ginger's genus is Asarum. Wild Ginger is usually six to ten inches tall and twelve to twenty-four inches wide. It experiences slow to moderate growth. This plant has many different species and can cause rashes on some people so care should be taken in dealing with Wild Ginger. The Mottled Wild Ginger (Asarum shuttleworthii) is one that is native to Georgia. Sassafras is a native tree or shrub native to the United States. It has its most active growth period in the spring and the summer. The late spring, however, is when it witnesses the greatest bloom of fruit and seed production. It has a moderate life span and a slow growth rate. The genus name for Sassafras is Albidum and it will reach up to 75 feet in it's life span. It is allelopathic,which means it releases a chemical that keeps other plants from growing well so it can have a better chance of growth without competition.
Wild Ginger Sassafras